* A C D E F G H I J L M N P Q R S T V W X Y
; output suppression
: array creation
@ create function handle
% comment marker
' transpose
.^ elementwise exponentiation
./ elementwise division
.* elementwise multiplication
& logical conjunction
== equality relation
abs absolute value
acos arccos
acosh inverse hyperbolic cosine
acot arccot
acoth inverse hyperbolic cotangent
acsc arccsc
acsch inverse hyperbolic cosecant
anonymous functions
asec arcsec
asech inverse hyperbolic secant
asin arcsin
asinh inverse hyperbolic sine
atan arctan
atanh inverse hyperbolic tangent
axis scale axis and set axis style
ceil least integer function
compose compose symbolic functions
contour plot isolines
cos cosine
cosh hyperbolic cosine
cot cotangent
coth hyperbolic cotangent
csc cosecant
csch hyperbolic cosecant
deconv polynomial division
diff compute consecutive differences
diff (Symbolic toolbox) compute symbolic derivative
disp display message in terminal window
double convert to double precision
dsolve solve differential system symbolically
exp natural exponential function
expand expand polynomials
ezplot easy-to-use plotting utility
feval evaluate function
finverse symbolic functional inverse
floor greatest integer function
fminbnd find function minimum
for...end loop
format set display style for numbers
fzero numerically approximate zero of a continuous function
gcf get the current figure handle
grid grid lines for plots
i imaginary unit
if conditional
inf infinity
int compute symbolic antiderivative
integral approximate definite integral numerically
j imaginary unit
legend create a plot legend
limit compute limit symbolically
line generate polygonal path
linspace generate linearly spaced vectors
log natural logarithm
log10 common (base 10) logarithm
logical mask
matlabFunction convert symbolic expression to MATLAB function handle
NaN not a number
num2str convert number to string
partfrac (MuPAD) partial fraction decomposition
path display or alter search path
pi floating-point approximation to $\pi$
plot basic plotting function
pretty prettyprint format
quadgk Gauss-Kronrod quadrature
rand generate pseudorandom numbers
rat rational form specifier
residue find residues, poles and direct terms
roots compute roots of a polynomial
sec secant
sech hyperbolic secant
set set graphics properties
simplify simplify symbolic expression
sin sine
sinh hyperbolic sine
solve solve algebraic system
sqrt principal square root
subs substitute value(s) for symbol(s)
sum sum array elements
sym create symbolic object
syms Symbolic toolbox symbol declaration
symsum symbolic sum
tan tangent
tanh hyperbolic tangent
taylor compute Taylor polynomial symbolically
text add text to graphics
title set plot title
trapz trapezoidal approximation to integrals
vpa variable precision arithmetic
while...end loop
xlim set or determine $x$-axis limits
ylim set or determine $x$-axis limits