Ericson Mar's Robotics Site Contents
Robotics Home | Robotics Related Links | ME412 (Autonomous Mobile Robots 2024) | My Curriculum Vitae | My resume

Past Projects
ME412 (Autonomous Mobile Robots 2023) | ME412 (Autonomous Mobile Robots 2022) | ME412 (Autonomous Mobile Robots 2021) | ME412 (Autonomous Mobile Robots 2020) | ME412 (Autonomous Mobile Robots 2019)
ME412 (Autonomous Mobile Robots 2018) | ME412 (Autonomous Mobile Robots 2017) | ME436 (Autonomous Mobile Robots 2016) | ME412 (Autonomous Mobile Robots 2015) | ME412 (Autonomous Mobile Robots 2014)
 ME412 (Autonomous Mobile Robots 2013) | ME412 (Autonomous Mobile Robots 2012) | ME412 (Autonomous Mobile Robots 2011) | ME412 (Autonomous Mobile Robots 2010) | ME412 (Autonomous Mobile Robots 2009)
 ME412 (Autonomous Mobile Robots 2008) | ME412 (Autonomous Mobile Robots 2007) |EID111 (Self-Replicating Habitats) | ME412 (Autonomous Mobile Robots 2006) | ME412 (Autonomous Mobile Robots 2005)
ME363 (Advanced Mechatronics) | The Robotics Renaissance Project | Kiru | Dajung and Junior | Autonomous Vacuum Cleaner | Spider Robot | Mindstorms Dancing LegoBot | MAR (Mobile Autonomous Robot)


Robotics Home

Robotics Related Links

ME412 (Autonomous Mobile Robots 2024)

My Curriculum Vitae

My resume

Past Projects

ME412 (Autonomous Mobile Robots 2023)

ME412 (Autonomous Mobile Robots 2022)

ME412 (Autonomous Mobile Robots 2021)

ME412 (Autonomous Mobile Robots 2020)

ME412 (Autonomous Mobile Robots 2019)

ME412 (Autonomous Mobile Robots 2018)

ME412 (Autonomous Mobile Robots 2017)

ME436 (Autonomous Mobile Robots 2016)

ME412 (Autonomous Mobile Robots 2015)

ME412 (Autonomous Mobile Robots 2014)

ME412 (Autonomous Mobile Robots 2013)

ME412 (Autonomous Mobile Robots 2012)

ME412 (Autonomous Mobile Robots 2011)

ME412 (Autonomous Mobile Robots 2010)

ME412 (Autonomous Mobile Robots 2009)

ME412 (Autonomous Mobile Robots 2008)

ME412 (Autonomous Mobile Robots 2007)

EID111 (Self-Replicating Habitats)

ME412 (Autonomous Mobile Robots 2006)

ME412 (Autonomous Mobile Robots 2005)

ME363 (Advanced Mechatronics)

MAR (Mobile Autonomous Robot)

The Robotics Renaissance Project  


Dajung and Junior

Autonomous Vacuum Cleaner

Spider Robot  

Mindstorms Dancing LegoBot


Instructor: Ericson Mar
Semester Schedule | ME412 Details | ME412 Resources | Class Notes | Links to Commonly Used Devices

*** Robotics Students: I have previous final papers if you want to view them for educational purposes.  Email me.

Robot Tank Battle Videos

Tank Battle 2022 Clips | Tank Battle 2021 Clips | Tank Battle 2019 Clips | Tank Battle 2018 Clips | Tank Battle 2017 Clips | Tank Battle 2016 Clips | Tank Battle 2015 Clips | Tank Battle 2014 Clips | Tank Battle 2012 Clips
Tank Battle 2011 Clips | Tank Battle 2010 Clips | Tank Battle 2009 Clips (Part 1) | Tank Battle 2009 Clips (Part 2) | Tank Battle 2008 Clips | Tank Battle 2007 Clips | Tank Battle 2005 Clips | Tank Battle 2004 Clips














Semester Schedule - Schedule.xlsx

Week Date Topic Project Due (Type) [Worth]
1 3-Sep-24 Introduction and Overview  
2 10-Sep-24 Sensors Formed Groups
3 17-Sep-24 Actuators/Controllers and programming  
4 24-Sep-24 Tools Overview/ Individual Robot Proposal Review Robot Proposal (Hand-In and Discussion) [5%]
5 1-Oct-24 Autonomous Robots Assembler Concepts Finalized Robot Proposal (Hand-In and Discussion) [5%]
6 8-Oct-24 Behavioral Programming Concepts  
7 15-Oct-24 Videos, State of the Industry, Applications Robot Construction Progress Class Presentation [5%]
8 22-Oct-24 Videos, State of the Industry, Applications Robot Construction Progress Class Presentation [5%]
9 29-Oct-24 Videos, State of the Industry, Applications Robot Construction Progress Class Presentation [5%]
10 5-Nov-24 Lab/Discussions Completed Robot Platform (Demo***) [10%]
11 12-Nov-24 Lab/Discussions Light Tracking behavior (Demo***) [10%]
12 19-Nov-24 Lab/Discussions Obstacle Avoidance behavior (Demo***) [10%]
13 3-Dec-24 Lab/Discussions TBD
14 10-Dec-24 Lab/Discussions TBD
15 17-Dec-24 Contest Running Final Projects Due (Demo + Final Paper) [45%]
*    Each of these 3 "Demos" may be presented earlier (+2% per week) or later (-2% per week) up to the December 10 class.
Past the December 10 deadline, any incomplete Demo will receive 0%.

**  The final contest is worth 12%. There will be 4 “achievements” which your robot has to succeed at once during the contest in order to get credit.
Opponent Base Hit (+3%) – Score a hit on the enemy base.
Opponent Robot Hit (+3%) – Score a hit on the enemy robot.
Return Home (+3%) – Traverse at least halfway across arena before returning to dock.
                                    Score a hit prior to returning to dock.
No Collision During a Round (+3%) – Traverse at least halfway across arena during a round with no collision penalty.
                                                            Score a hit without any collision penalty during a round.

***The final paper is worth 33%.

ME412 Details

Course Description - ME412_2024_Flyer.pdf

Course Syllabus - ME412_2024_Syllabus.pdf

Semester Topics / Schedule - Schedule.xlsx

2023 Cooper Union Robot Tank Battle Arena

2023 Cooper Union Robot Tank Battle Rules

ME412 Resources

Past Videos of Robot Tank Battle
Tank Battle 2022 Clips
Tank Battle 2021 Clips
Tank Battle 2019 Clips
Tank Battle 2018 Clips
Tank Battle 2017 Clips
Tank Battle 2016 Clips
Tank Battle 2015 Clips
Tank Battle 2014 Clips
Tank Battle 2012 Clips
Tank Battle 2011 Clips
Tank Battle 2010 Clips
Tank Battle 2009 Clips (Part 1)
Tank Battle 2009 Clips (Part 2)
Tank Battle 2008 Clips
Tank Battle 2007 Clips
Tank Battle 2005 Clips
Tank Battle 2004 Clips

Ericson Mar's Robotics Home Page -

Videos of Ericson Mar's Thesis Robot in Action -

Ericson Mar's Robotics Links Page -

Trinity College Fire Fighting Robot Home Page -

Alumnus Andrew Louie's videos of his team's 2005 International Finals 3rd-place winning Fire-Fighting Robot -

Robotics Competition FAQ -

Resistor Color Chart – Electronix Express (

Previous final papers are also available.  You can learn a lot from the experiences of past projects.  Email me.

How and WHY to Solder Correctly (video) - Clip from Curious Inventor on the basics of eletronics soldering -

How To: Heat Shrink Tubing -

Wire Wrap Electronic Prototyping -

Class Notes

Sensors - sensors.pdf

Actuators - actuators.pdf

My Demo IC program - emantest.c

Links to Commonly Used Devices

Contact Sensor datasheet -

CdS Light Sensor datasheet -

Reflective Photosensor (QRD1114) -

Modulated IR Proximity Detector (IS471F) -

IR Emitting Diode (TSAL6400) -
IR Phototransistor (BPV11F) -

IR Long Range Sensor (GP2Y0A21YK0F) -
IR Short Range Sensor (GP2D120) -
Acroname Article on Sharp IR Ranger Comparison -
Acroname Article on Linearizing Sharp Ranger Data -
*info: GP2D's emit at ~ 850 (peak) +/- 70 nm

SF04 Technical Specification -
Ultrasonic Rangers FAQ -

Devantec Compass CMPS03 Technical Specification -
Devantec Compass CMPS03 Compass Module FAQ -

Ultrasonic vs Infrared (IR) Sensors – Which is better?

Inexpensive VL53L0X based Time-of-Flight Laser Ranging Sensor -

Melexis Anglar Rate Gyro (MLX90609) -

Inertial Sensors

MOSFET transitor switch tutorial video -

Info on Gears -
Spur vs. Planetary Gearheads (for motors) -

Standard Servo -
Servo Modified for Continuous Rotation -

Douglas W. Jones on Stepping Motors
Animated presentation on the Variable Reluctance Stepper Motor

What Is an Encoder?

Disposable Battery Choices
Rechargeable Battery Comparison Table
Internal Resistance of Batteries
Battery Performance Curves

Handy Board Home Page -
Handy Board Software Resources (
The Handy Board Expansion Board (
Handy Board Technical Reference - hbmanual.pdf (
Handy Board H-Bridge IC datasheet (rated for 1A max motors) -
68HC11 Microprocessor Reference Manual - moto-6811-techref.pdf (
Dr. Fred Martin's Introduction to 6811 Programming (assembler) - 6811intr.pdf (
MC68HC11A8 Programming Reference Guide - MC68HC11.pdf

Drivers to Sabrent USB 2.0 to Serial (9-pin) DB-9 RS-232 Adapter (Model: SBT-USC1M) -
     *Can be used for the green mutimeters in Mechatronics Laboratory.

Subsumption Architecture -
Subsumption Architecture in the Roomba Vacuum Robot
Subsumption Architecture in Asimov's 3 laws of Robotics
Video of Two Paradigms of Mobile Robot Control
Rodney Brooks interview on currrent state of Subsumption Architecture

Copyright © 2024 Ericson Mar      Please let me know if you have any comments.  :)
Last Updated: 09/10/2024