Contents ME412 (Autonomous Mobile Robots 2024) ME412 (Autonomous Mobile Robots 2023) ME412 (Autonomous Mobile Robots 2022) ME412 (Autonomous Mobile Robots 2021) ME412 (Autonomous Mobile Robots 2020) ME412 (Autonomous Mobile Robots 2019) ME412 (Autonomous Mobile Robots 2018) ME412 (Autonomous Mobile Robots 2017) ME436 (Autonomous Mobile Robots 2016) ME412 (Autonomous Mobile Robots 2015) ME412 (Autonomous Mobile Robots 2014) ME412 (Autonomous Mobile Robots 2013) ME412 (Autonomous Mobile Robots 2012) ME412 (Autonomous Mobile Robots 2011) ME412 (Autonomous Mobile Robots 2010) ME412 (Autonomous Mobile Robots 2009) ME412 (Autonomous Mobile Robots 2008) ME412 (Autonomous Mobile Robots 2007) EID111 (Self-Replicating Habitats) ME412 (Autonomous Mobile Robots 2006) ME412 (Autonomous Mobile Robots 2005) |
Ericson Mar's Robotics HomepageWelcome to my homepage. I am Ericson Mar, an alumni of The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art, where I obtained a Masters in Mechanical Engineering. Since then, I have been an advisor to the effort to incorporate an extensive robotics program into Cooper Union's curriculum. In this page you will find some information on the robotics projects we have recently been involved in and links to other robotics-related sites that may serve as useful reference. The above photo shows my own creation for my dissertation during my graduate studies. Hopefully, you will find this site interesting and educational. Perhaps it will help you through your robotics projects and your life goals too! Projects ME12 -
Autonomous Mobile Robots (Fall 2024)
- "Robot Tank Battle" (See tank battle
contest videos here!).
EID111 - Design Illusion and Reality (Spring 2007) - "Self-Replicating Habitats"
“Discovery consists of seeing what everybody has
seen and thinking what nobody else has thought.”
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
The Robotics Renaissance Project - Robotics theater incorporating the use of state-of-the-art mobile-robotics! Come join the adventure in shaping the future of internet robotics art and theater! (all disciplines across Cooper Union welcome [YES, non-engineering too!]) Contact me, Adrianne Wortzel, or Prof. C. S. Wei.
Cooper Union has some state-of-the-art research
robots. Shown above are Cooper Union's Activmedia
AmigoBot (we have 3!), Performance PeopleBot, Deluxe
PeopleBot, and iRobot Magellan mobile robot
platforms. My Masters Thesis Project Robotics Projects That Were Under My Advisement
Actor Robot - Another robot project by Juniors in Special Topics in Mechanical Engineering (1999) course. Tour Guide Robot - Robot project by Juniors in Special Topics in
Mechanical Engineering (1998) course. Robotics Links that will help you through your robotics projects Robotics Related Links -
Various links to help you learn about robotics and start your robotics engineering. My CV/Resume Copyright © 2024 Ericson Mar Please let me know if you have any comments. :) Last Updated: 09/03/2024 |