Exam schedule:
Exam 1: Tues 2/11 (50min)
Exam 2: Thurs 3/6 (50min)
Exam 3: Thurs 4/3 (50min)
Cumulative final: Thurs 5/15 (90min)
Makeup exams are oral exams and are only offered to students with a documented excused absence for the date of the in-class exam. See the course syllabus for more details.
If you are entitled to an accommodation on assessments, make sure you notify me and provide me with the proper documentation during the first or second week of the semester. See the course syllabus for more details.
Tutoring is available for this course both through the Math Help Room (Rm409, T 7-8pm, W 5-6pm, Th 1-2pm), and via individual tutoring. Click here for current scheduling information for one-on-one tutoring.