Additional options (perhaps including themes) may be added in the future. Currently this page simply serves as the mechanism to choose whether or not to overlay discussion notes pages with a canvas and tools to allow you to create annotations on top of the notes and graphics. Your choice here is held in your browser's session storage. Consequently (under typical circumstances) if you return to the site after having closed your browser the setting will return to its default state wherein annotation overlays are not created. New option -- disable draggability of canvases.
The current implementation of annotation overlays is a bit kludgy. The overlay canvas is created with a width equal to the browser window width, and a height equal to three times the height of the page elements at the time the page is loaded. As elements are expanded the canvas size may not be adequately large. The overlay canvas may be expanded vertically with the keystroke ` and horizontally with \. (It can also be shrunk vertically with ~ and horizontally with |.) In the unlikely event that you wish to use one of these symbols as part of a text annotation you may need to account for the side effect on canvas dimensions. More importantly, you may need to push the canvas to the background with } to use gui controls to manipulate 3D graphics. The canvas can be brought back to the front with {.
When annotation overlays are selected, each section on a discussion notes page will be equipped with and buttons which allow you to increase or decrease the space between sections for making annotations. In the case of animated text or animated drawing sections, these extra controls will appear under the speed and size change sliders when the gear icon is clicked.