ECE 462: Interactive Engineering Grahpics
Spring 2015
Tuesday 11 AM - 12:00 PM, Rm. 105;
Wednesday 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM, Rm. 105
Carl Sable
Office: Room 614
"Interactive Computer Graphics:
A Top-Down Approach with WebGL, 7th Edition"
Edward Angel and Dave Shreiner
Click here for the textbook's website.
- Midterm: 25%
- Final: 25%
- Programming Project #1: 25%
- Programming Project #2: 25%
The schedule will be updated as the semester progresses.
- Wednesday, January 21
Topic: Course Introduction
Topic: Graphics Systems and Models
Suggested Reading: Angel and Shreiner, Ch. 1
- Wednesday, January 28
Topic: Graphics Systems and Models (cont.)
Topic: Introduction to WebGL
Suggested Reading: Angel and Shreiner, Ch. 2
- Tuesday, February 3
Topic: Introduction to WebGL (cont.)
- Wednesday, February 4
Topic: Introduction to WebGL (cont.)
- Tuesday, February 10
Topic: Introduction to WebGL (cont.)
- Wednesday, February 11
- Tuesday, February 17
Topic: Interaction with WebGL
Suggested Reading: Angel and Shreiner, Ch. 3
- Wednesday, February 18
Topic: Interaction with WebGL (cont.)
- Tuesday, February 24
Topic: Vectors, Matrices, and Frames
Suggested Reading: Angel and Shreiner, Ch. 4.1 - 4.5,
Appendix B, Appendix C
- Wednesday, February 25
Topic: Vectors, Matrices, and Frames (cont.)
- Tuesday, March 3
Topic: Vectors, Matrices, and Frames (cont.)
Topic: Affine Transformations
Suggested Reading: Angel and Shreiner, Ch. 4.6 - 4.12
- Wednesday, March 4
Topic: Affine Transformations (cont.)
- Tuesday, March 10
Topic: Affine Transformations (cont.)
- Wednesday, March 11
Topic: Viewing
Suggested Reading: Angel and Shreiner, Ch. 5
Project #1 assigned
- Tuesday, March 24
Topic: Viewing (cont.)
- Wedneday, March 25
- Tuesday, March 31
Topic: Viewing (cont.)
- Wednesday, April 1
Topic: Viewing (cont.)
- Tuesday, April 7
Topic: Lighting
Suggested Reading: Angel and Shreiner, Ch. 6
- Wednesday, April 8
Topic: Lighting (cont.)
- Tuesday, April 14
Topic: Lighting (cont.)
- Wednedsay, April 15
Topic: Texturing
Suggested Reading: Angel and Shreiner, Ch. 7
- Tuesday, April 21
Topic: Texturing (cont.)
- Tuesday, April 28
Topic: Texturing (cont.)
- Wednesday, April 29
Topic: Curves and Surfaces
Suggested Reading: Angel and Shreiner, Ch. 11
- Tuesday, May 5
Topic: Curves and Surfaces (cont.)
- Wednesday, May 6
- Wednesday, May 13