ECE 462: Interactive Engineering Grahpics
Spring 2013
Wednesday 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM, Rm 503;
Thursday 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM, Rm 502
Carl Sable
Office: Room 614
"Interactive Computer Graphics:
A Top-Down Approach ith Shader-Based OpenGL,
6th Edition"
Edward Angel and Dave Shreiner
Click here for the textbook's website.
Click here
for the steps that worked for me to compile the textbook's code using
Click here
for the steps that worked for me to compile the textbook's code using
- Midterm: 25%
- Final: 25%
- Programming Project #1: 25%
- Programming Project #2: 25%
The schedule will be updated as the semester progresses.
- Thursday, January 24
Topic: Course Introduction
Topic: Graphics Systems and Models
Suggested Reading: Angel and Shreiner, Ch. 1
- Wednesday, January 30
Topic: Graphics Systems and Models (cont.)
- Thursday, January 31
Topic: Introduction to OpenGL
Suggested Reading: Angel and Shreiner, Ch. 2
- Wednesday, February 6
Topic: Introduction to OpenGL (cont.)
- Thursday, February 7
Topic: Introduction to OpenGL (cont.)
Click here
for my triangle drawing program discussed in class.
Topic: Vectors, Matrices, and Frames
Suggested Reading: Angel and Shreiner, Ch. 3.1 - 3.5,
Appendix B, Appendix C
- Wednesday, February 13
- Thursday, February 14
Topic: Vectors, Matrices, and Frames (cont.)
- Wednesday, February 20
Topic: Vectors, Matrices, and Frames (cont.)
- Thursday, February 21
Topic: Vectors, Matrices, and Frames (cont.)
Topic: Affine Transformations
Suggested Reading: Angel and Shreiner, Ch. 3.6 - 3.12
- Wednesday, February 27
Topic: Affine Transformations (cont.)
- Thursday, February 28
Topic: Affine Transformations (cont.)
- Wednesday, March 6
Topic: Viewing
Suggested Reading: Angel and Shreiner, Ch. 4
- Thursday, March 7
Topic: Viewing (cont.)
- Wednesday, March 13
Topic: Viewing (cont.)
- Thursday, March 14
- Wedneday, March 27
Topic: Viewing (cont.)
- Thursday, March 28
Topic: Viewing (cont.)
- Wednesday, April 10
Topic: Lighting
Suggested Reading: Angel and Shreiner, Ch. 5
- Thursday, April 11
Topic: Lighting (cont.)
- Wednesday, April 17
Topic: Lighting (cont.)
- Thursday, April 18
Topic: Texturing
Suggested Reading: Angel and Shreiner, Ch. 7
- Wednesday, April 24
Topic: Texturing (cont.)
- Thursday, April 25
Topic: Texturing (cont.)
- Wednesday, May 1
Topic: Curves and Surfaces
Suggested Reading: Angel and Shreiner, Ch. 10
- Thursday, May 2
Topic: Curves and Surfaces (cont.)
- Wednesday, May 8
Topic: Curves and Surfaces (cont.)
- Thursday, May 9