EE 453: Advanced Computer Architecture
Spring 2004
Wednesday 2:00 - 5:00
Carl Sable
Office: Room 461
Office Hours: Monday 12:00 - 1:00;
Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday 11:00 - 12:00
"Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach, 3rd Edition"
John L. Hennessy and David A. Patterson
Here is a
companion website for the book
Assignments: 65%
Midterm: 10%
Final: 25%
- Homework #1
Due Wednesday, February 11
- Homework #2
Due Wednesday, February 25
- Homework #3
Due Wednesday, March 10
- Homework #4
Due Wednesday, April 14
- Homework #5
Due Wednesday, April 28
Information on assignments will be posted when they are assigned.
The schedule will be updated as the semester progresses.
- Wednesday, January 21
Topic #1: Introduction, Technology, Performance, and Price
Suggested Reading: H&P Ch 1.1 - 1.5
- Thursday, January 22
Topic #2: The Quantitative Principle and Amdahl's Law
Suggested Reading: H&P Ch 1.6 - 1.10
- Wenesday, January 28
Topic #3: Instruction Sets, Addressing Modes, and Operands
Suggested Reading: H&P Ch 2.1 - 2.6
- Thursday, January 29
Topic #4: Operations, Encoding Instruction Sets, and Compilers
Suggested Reading: H&P Ch 2.7 - 2.11
- Wednesday, February 4
Topic #5: MIPS and other RISC Architectures
Suggested Reading: H&P Ch 2.12 - 2.17, Appendix C (online),
and Embedded Control Problems,
Thumb, and the aRM7TDMI
- Wednesday, February 11
Topic #6: The Classic Five-Stage Pipeline and Hazards
Suggested Reading: H&P A.1 - A.3
- Wednesday, February 18
Topic #7: Exceptions and Floating-Point Operations
Suggested Reading: H&P A.4 - A.5
- Wednesday, February 25
Topic #8: Real Pipelines and Scoreboarding
Suggested Reading: H&P A.6-A.7, 3.1, A.8
- Wednesday, March 3
Topic #9: Tomasulo's Algorithm and Dynamic Branch Prediction
Suggested Reading: H&P 3.2 - 3.5
- Wednesday, March 10
Topic #10: Multiple Issue and Speculation
Suggested Reading: H&P 3.6 - 3.7
- Wednesday, March 24 (first hour)
Topic #11: Limitations of ILP
Suggested Reading: H&P 3.8 - 3.9
- Wednesday, March 24 (second and third hour)
- Wednesday, March 31
Topic #12: Compiler Techniques to Exploit ILP
Suggested Reading: H&P 4.1 - 4.4
- Wednesday, April 7
Topic #13: Hardware Support for Compiler Techniques
Suggested Reading: H&P 4.5 - 4.6
Topic #14: Real VLIW Architectures
Suggested Reading: H&P 4.7 - 4.8
- Wednesday, April 14
Topic #15: Introduction to Caches
Suggested Reading: H&P 5.1 - 5.2
- Wednesday, April 21
Topic #16: Cache Performance
Suggested Reading: H&P 5.3 - 5.7
- Wednesday, April 28
Topic #17: Main Memory and Virtual Memory
Suggested Reading: H&P 5.8 - 5.11
- Wednesday, May 5