ECE 395: EE Senior Projects I


ECE 396: EE Senior Projects II

Fall 2022 and Spring 2023

Tuesday 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM

EE Senior Projects is scheduled for Tuesdays from 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM for the fall semester. This website is for Section A (Prof. Sable's section). Some weeks we will meet as a section for all or part of the time in Rm. 106 (in the fall) or Rm. 502 (in the spring). Other weeks, I will meet with groups one at a time (generally either in my office or the Senior Lab). Some weeks there will be special activities, often including both sections of EE Senior Projects, and possible other departments as well. The 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM hour will be set aside for interdisciplinary activities, which other groups will often also be invited to. The schedule below will be updated as the year progresses.

Instructor Info

Instructor: Carl Sable
Office: Room 614


Assignments with associated handouts, primarily those that involve written components, will be posted here when they are assigned. Other assignments, primarily those that involve only presentations, will be discussed in class and will appear in the schedule below.

Grading for the fall semester will largely consider the following four components:

  • Progress on the project
  • The end-of-semester presentation or poster session
  • The end-of-semester report
  • Your individual activity archive

    The four assignments above will each get letter grades (including pluses and minuses), with substantial written feedback. Criteria for those assignments will be discussed when they are assigned. These four grades will be averaged to primarily determine your fall semester grade.

    Other assignments throughout the semester will be graded with ✔, ✔-, or ✔+, with ✔+ being extremely rare. A ✔- is still better than a missing assignment. These grades will be considered at the end of the semester for students who are otherwise borderline.

    Grading for the spring semester will largely consider the following four components:

  • The final state of your project (most important)
  • The end-of-year showcase
  • The end-of-year report (final report)
  • Your individual activity archive

    Individual components will not receive letter grades in the spring, you will just receive a final grade. Final feedback for the spring will come in the form of a document, written by me, explaining my assessment of the project, taking into account the components mentioned above.

    Fall assignments:

    Spring assignments:


    The schedule below will be updated as the year progresses. Any dates which have not yet passed are tentative. Attendance is mandatory at all activities, unless otherwise stated in class.

    During weeks that I meet with groups one at a time, students should be working with their group members, in the senior lab or elsewhere if appropriate, on their projects during senior project hours when they are not meeting with me.