I am providing my own game playing executables and sample boards. If you want to use the cygwin executables on a PC, but you do not have cygwin installed, download the cygwin1.dll and place it in the same directory as the executables. The Ubuntu executables should run without additional support on an Ubuntu machine. The text files do not vary between systems. You can load a sample board at the start of a game. The first 8 rows of a file represent the state of the board. The spacing is not important; I spaced them to make them readable. For Checkers, 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 represent an empty square, a regular piece for player 1, a regular piece for player 2, a king for player 1, and a king for player 2, respectively. For Othello, 0, 1, and 2 represent an emtpy square, a piece for player 1, and a piece for player 2, respectively. For both games, the numbers in the final two rows represent whose turn it is (player 1 or player 2), and the time limit (for any turn played by the computer).