CS 102: Introduction to Computer Science
Fall 2003
Monday 4:00 - 5:00 Room 136, 5:00 - 6:00 Room 309
This web page concerns the programming aspect
of the course, which will take up two out of three hours each
Carl Sable
e-mail: sable2@cooper.edu
Office: Room 461
Office Hours:
Monday 12:00 - 1:00;
Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 11:00 - 12:00
These are not required, but you probably want to at least own one
textbook on C.
"The C Programming Language, 2nd Edition"
Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie
(This is my favorite programming book, but it assumes
prior programming experience.)
"Computer Science: A Structured Programming Approach Using C, 2nd
Behrouz A. Forouzan and Richard F. Gilberg
"Practical C Programming, 3rd Edition"
Steve Oualline
The programming portion of your CS 102 grade will be based as follows:
- 5 Programming Assignments:
Program #1: 5%
Program #2: 10%
Program #3: 10% or 15%
Program #4: 10% or 20%
Program #5: 10% or 20%
- Weekly Quizzes: 10%
- Final Exam: Whatever remains! (ranges from 20% to 45 %)
Assignments will be posted when they are assigned.
The schedule will be updated as the semester progresses. All dates that
have not yet occurred should be considered tentative.
- Monday, September 13
Topic 1: Introduction
(Word format)
- Monday, September 20
Topic 2: Variables and Expressions
(Word format)
- Monday, September 27
Topic 3: Selection Statements
(Word format)
- Monday, October 4
Topic 4: Loops
(Word format)
- Monday, October 11
Topic 5: Standard Input and Output
(Word format)
Topic 6: Arrays
(Word format)
- Monday, October 18
Topic 7: Functions
(Word format)
- Monday, October 26
Topic 8: Tic-Tac-Toe
(Word format)
Topic 9: Debugging
(Word format)
- Monday, November 1
Topic 10: Pointers
(Word format)
- Monday, November 8
Topic 11: Strings
(Word format)
- Monday, November 15
Topic 12: Text Files
(Word format)
Topic 13: Recursion
(Word format)
- Monday, November 22
Topic 14: Solving Mazes
(Word format)
Topic 15: Sorting
(Word format)
- Monday, November 29
Topic 16: Structures
(Word format)
- Monday, December 6
Topic 17: Linked Lists
(Word format)
Topic 18: Binary Trees
(Word format)
- Monday, December 13
Topic 19: Miscellaneous
(Word format)
- Monday, December 20
Check out last year's final
and solutions.
Apparently, the teacher is upset that the student left out
the '\n' at the end of the "printf" statement...