EE 456: Compiling Techniques
Fall 2003
Mondays 2:00 - 4:00, Wednesday 4:00 - 5:00
Carl Sable
Office: Room 461
Office Hours: Tuesdays 2:00 - 4:00, Wednesdays 2:30 - 3:30,
Fridays 2:30 - 3:30, or by appointment
"Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools"
(a.k.a. The Red Dragon Book)
Alfred V. Aho, Ravi Sethi, and Jeffrey D. Ullman
Homeworks: 25%
Final: 25%
Project: 50%
The projects will be a multi-part programming assignment involving
the implemenation of a compiler for a simplified computer language.
The schedule will be updated as the semester progresses.
- Monday, September 8
Topic 1: Introduction
(PowerPoint slides)
- Wednesday, September 10
Topic 2: Infix to Postfix
(PowerPoint slides)
- Monday, September 15
Topic 3: Lexical Analysis
(PowerPoint slides)
Homework #1 assigned
- Wednesday, September 17
Topic 3: Lexical Analysis (continued)
- Monday, September 22
Topic 3: Lexical Analysis (continued)
Discussion of Lex
Homework #2 assigned
- Wednesday, September 24
Topic 4: Parsing
(PowerPoint slides)
- Monday, September 29
Topic 4: Parsing (continued)
- Wednesday, October 1
Topic 4: Parsing (continued)
- Monday, October 6
Topic 4: Parsing (continued)
- Wednesday, October 8
Discussion of Yacc
- Wednesday, October 15
Topic 5: Syntax-Directed Translations
(PowerPoint slides)
Homework #3 assigned
- Monday, October 20
Topic 5: Syntax-Directed Translations (continued)
- Wednesday, October 22
Topic 6: Type Checking
(PowerPoint slides)
- Monday, October 27
Topic 7: Intermediate Code
(PowerPoint slides)
- Wednesday, October 29
Topic 7: Intermediate Code (continued)
- Monday, November 3
Topic 7: Intermediate Code (continued)
- Wednesday, November 5
Topic 8: Run-Time
(PowerPoint slides)
- Monday, November 10
Topic 8: Run-Time (continued)
- Wednesday, November 12
Discussion of project and type checking
- Monday, November 17
Topic 8: Run-Time (continued)
- Wednesday, November 19
Topic 9: Target Code
(PowerPoint slides)
Homework #4 assigned
- Monday, November 24
Topic 9: Target Code (continued)
- Wednesday, November 26
Topic 9: Target Code (continued)
- Monday, December 1
Topic 10: Optimization
(PowerPoint slides)
- Wednesday, December 3
Discussion of project and run-time
- Monday, December 8: FINAL EXAM
Exam will be an in-class, open-book, open-notes test
- Wednesday, December 10
Discussion of project and run-time
- Monday, December 15
No class, but I will be in my office if anyone wants to discuss the
- Thursday, December 18