CS 102: Introduction to Computer Science
Fall 2003
Mondays 4:00 - 6:00, Fridays 1:00 - 2:00
This web page concerns the programming aspect
of the course, which will take up two out of three hours each
For information on the drafting and applications portionof CS 102,
taught by Prof. Brian Cusack,
click here.
Carl Sable
e-mail: sable2@cooper.edu
Office: Room 461
Office Hours: Tuesdays 2:00 - 4:00, Wednesdays 2:30 - 3:30,
Fridays 2:30 - 3:30, or by appointment
These are not required, but you probably want to at least own one
textbook on C.
"Practical C Programming, 3rd Edition"
Steve Oualline
"The C Programming Language, 2nd Edition"
Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie
"Computer Science: A Structured Programming Approach Using C, 2nd
Behrouz A. Forouzan and Richard F. Gilberg
"VBA For Dummies, 3rd Edition"
Steve Cummings
The programming portion of your CS 102 grade will be based as follows:
- 5 Programming Assignments: 15% each
- Final Exam: 25%
The schedule will be updated as the semester progresses.
- Tuesday, September 2
Topic 1: Introduction
(Word format)
- Friday, September 5
Topic 2: Variables and Expressions
(Word format)
- Monday, September 8
Topic 3: Selection Statements
(Word format)
- Friday, September 12
Topic 4: Loops
(Word format)
- Monday, September 15
Topic 4: Loops (continued)
Homework #1 assigned
- Friday, September 19
Topic 5: Standard Input and Output
(Word format)
- Monday, September 22
Topic 6: Arrays
(Word format)
- Friday, September 26
Topic 7: Functions
(Word format)
- Monday, September 29
Topic 7: Functions (continued)
Homework #2 assigned
- Friday, October 3
Topic 8: Tic-Tac-Toe
(Word format)
Source code for Tic-Tac-Toe
- Monday, October 6
Topic 9: Debugging
(Word format)
- Friday, October 10
Topic 10: Pointers
(Word format)
- Monday, October 13
- Friday, October 17
Topic 10: Pointers (continued)
- Monday, October 20
Topic 11: Strings
(Word format)
Source code for palindrome progarm,
version 1
Source code for palindrome program,
version 2
- Friday, October 24
Topic 12: Text Files
(Word format)
Homework #3 assigned
- Monday, October 27
Topic 13: Recursion
(Word format)
- Friday, October 31
Topic 14: Solving Mazes
(Word format)
- Monday, November 3
Topic 15: Sorting
(Word format)
- Friday, November 7
Topic 16: Structures
(Word format)
Homework #4 assigned
- Monday, November 10
Topic 17: Linked Lists
(Word format)
- Friday, November 14
Topic 17: Linked Lists (continued)
- Monday, November 17
Topic 17: Linked Lists (continued)
- Friday, November 21
Topic 18: Binary Trees
(Word format)
Homework #5 assigned
- Monday, November 24
Topic 19: Miscellaneous
(Word format)
- Friday, November 28
- Monday, December 1
Topic 20: Multiple Files and Makefiles
(Word format)
- Friday, December 5
Lecture on VBA (Excel Macro Language)
- Monday, December 8
Review for Final Exam
- Friday, December 12
More Review for Final Exam
- Monday, December 15
The final exam will be an in-class, open-book, open-notes test.
Apparently, the teacher is upset that the student left out
the '\n' at the end of the "printf" statement...