The following policies apply generally to Prof. Carl Sable's courses at Cooper Union. If any particular course or assignment does not fit the descriptions below, this will be announced in a timely manner, i.e., at the start of the course or when an assignment is assigned.
Late Penalties: Unless otherwise stated, my official late penalty for homework assignments and individual projects (including programming projects) is 5 points per day late. I reserve the right to take off fewer points as I see fit, but I won't take off more. No assignment may be handed in after the last official day of the semester, and in some cases, I may specify an earlier absolute deadline. Any project that has an associated demo or presentation may not be submitted late unless explicit permission has been granted ahead of time.
Extensions: I don't typically give extensions without late penalties (see above). If there are extenuating circumstances, I may consider it. In such cases, please get in touch with me well before the deadline for the assignment or project you are asking the extension for. E-mail is best, because then I have it on record. Explain the reason for the request, and the amount of time you are requesting.
Extra Credit: I never allow extra credit assignments. I don't think extra credit assignments are fair.
Resubmitting Assignments: I never allow students to resubmit assignments that have already been graded. I feel the same way about this as I feel about extra credit; I do not think it would be fair.
Tests and Quizzes: In some of my courses, tests and quizzes are open-book, open-notes, and any written or printed material is allowed. In other courses, I give shorter quizzes that are closed-book, closed-notes. In either case I will announce the rules for tests or quizzes early in the course, long before the first quiz or test. In all my courses, you may not use any electronic equipment during tests or quizzes. That includes computers, calculators, phones, etc. Printed and written material may not be shared during a test or quiz, and you cannot borrow another student's material after the other student hands in their test or quiz.
Accommodations: Students seeking accommodations due to a condition covered by the Americans with Disabilities Act are required to formally self-identify through the Office of Dean of Students. The Dean of Students will work with the students to clarify requested accommodations. It is the student's responsibility to speak directly to me to see how their accommodations can be met. If you are entitled to receive extra time for any test, quiz, or project, please speak to me well in advance, preferably at the start of the semester, but definitely at least several days before a test or quiz, or immediately after a project is assigned if not earlier.
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