Tue Aug 10 09:19:45 EDT 2010

Prof. Bob Hopkins
Tel: +1.212.353.4350

Prof. Chris Lent
Tel: +1.212.353.4350

All submitted assignments must use the following form:

Form Overview:

Writeup for Programs

o Binding and Physical Dimensions
All submitted assignments must be stapled with a single staple
in the upper left hand corner of the document.
All sheets are to be 8 1/2" x 11" paper.
Spiral notebook paper is not acceptable.
Make every attempt to present a *NEAT* assignment.
Assignments should not be stapled to other assignments.
For Example, Assignment 5 should not be stapled to Assignment 6.

o Cover Page with Assignment Name and Number
        The Assignment Name and Number shall be
        typed at the top center of the Cover Page.
        For example:
                ASSIGNMENT 1: HELLO

        The page shall also contain a small personalized picture or drawing.
        Please use only tasteful pictures or drawings.

        The middle of the page shall contain the
        student's last name or login id.
        The student's name or login name shall be 
        printed in very large type (90 POINT OR BETTER).

        The cover page shall shall contain:
        The lower right hand section shall contain:
                                The course code
                                Student's Full Name
                                Year of Graduation Major 
                                Preferred Email address

        For example:
                                Christopher Lent
                                1984 EE

                                Monday, January 23, 1995

o Writeup (for programs)
        Please note that the writeup must be TYPED.
        The writeup shall consist of the following sections:

        o Identification (no section heading for this section)
        This section shall contain the date, the course code,
        your name, year of graduation and major, and Preferred email address  

        For example:
        Monday, January 23, 1995
        Peter Cooper, Class of 1890, Electrical Engineering
        MA537, Assignment #5: Giant Integers


        Monday, January 23, 1995

        Peter Cooper 
        Class of 1890
        Electrical Engineering
        Assignment #5: Giant Integers

        If you have had help or worked on this program with
        someone else, please list them as well with their
        complete information. For example:      
        Sarah Hewitt, Class of 1893, Technical Drawing

        If you found something in resources other than the course
        texts and handouts, and it was used in the construction
        of your assignment please indicate include a reference
        to the source.

        For example:    
        Irrational Mathematics reference:


        New York City Culture reference:
        Who's on First? Fair Play for All Americans
        ("Public Affairs Pamphlet," No. 233), New York,
        New York City Office of Public Affairs, April, 1956.

        o Description
        This section shall discuss what the program is designed
        to do. The length of this section will vary with the
        complexity of the program

        o Compilation
        This section shall describe the exact steps that
        were used to compile the program.  This section
        shall NOT discuss how to enter the source file via a text editor.
        It is assumed that any future user could type in
        the attached source listing using a text editor
        with no special instructions and produce a functionally
        identical copy of the source code.

        Note: If more than one program is compiled, section titles
        may be augmented such as:
                o Compilation: C source code portion
                o Compilation: C++ source code portion
                o Compilation: Java source code portion

        o Execution
        This section shall show the exact steps used to run
        the program. This section shall also show how to save
        the program's output to a file.  For programs which 
        read from the keyboard or input files, this section
        shall discuss what information the program requires.
        If sample input is used, this section shall discuss
        how to read sample input from a file.

        o Features
        This section shall discuss what unusual features
        are present in the programming used to build the program.
        This section shall also discuss unique features
        of the program.

        o Notes
        This section shall mention any problems, limitations
        misfeatures, bugs, errors and other information that
        a user or program maintainer would require.
        If you had to look something up, please list the
        source of the information.  If you found incorrect
        ***IMPORTANT*** If you had help from another human,
        please list their contribution.
        For example:

        Sarah Hewitt helped me figure out what was wrong with
        my scanf() function.
        Prof. Bob Hopkins wrote the revstr() function for me.
        My partner, Jane Doe, wrote the printstr() function
        See Also the EASY EXTRA CREDIT Section of the Assignment page for more information
        o Listings
        This section shall decribe the listings which follow.
        Listings must be on separate pages from the writeup.

        An example listings section might read:
                o Listings:
                        The program source code is listed on the
                        the attached pages labeled hello.c.
                        The sample input and corresponding output are
                        attached following the source code and are
                        labeled input.dat and itworks.wow,


        Listings may be combined onto a single sheet, but separate from the previous sections.
        If listings are combined onto a single sheet,  each listing must be contained in a completely separate column.

        (Our local jpr2 program will properly combine two files if
        given a command like:
                jpr2 myprogram.c input.dat output.dat

        Listings must have a heading which is clearly separate from
        the material (source code, input data or output data) presented.
        Listings shall have page numbers which indicate that for example
        the page is the third page of the output listing.

        Numbering the cover page and the first page of the writeup is
        strongly discouraged.

o Source Listing
        A readable source listing, with Page numbering, shall be
        attached. This is to be the text of the program you entered.
        This is *NOT* a listing of the reference books you used.

        Comments shall not restate the obvious.
        Example of poor comment:
                j = 1;  /* Set the integer j to one */

        Comments shall note unusual or non-intuitive sections
        of the code:
                while(1) {}     /* Intentional infinite loop */

                if( j = i ) { /* set j to i and check if non-zero */

        *** IMPORTANT *** 
        Each file shall begin with an identification section as shown following.

Please note the following:

  1. You can use cut and paste to grab a copy of this comment prototype from Mosaic, Netscape or Internet Explorer.
  2. The version numbers shall be in reverse chronological order with the most comments about the recent changes appearing first.
    Version *numbers* shall be assigned to each version as in V3 or V2 or V1, where V is shorthand for "Version".
  3. For Fortran programs, omit the /* and */ portions of the comment, and make sure that the * is in the first column, rather than the second.
  4. Most lines of the identificiation comment sections begin with a space, an asterisk, and a space.
  5. TAB characters help the alignment of the revision history's Date, Version, Initials, and Description of Change columns
  6. If the program has no bugs, please put in "No known bugs"
  7. A similar comment can appear in the TODO section.
  8. The comments must be in the compiled version of the program. The output of your program must be from the final version
    of your program, not an intermediate version.
 * hello.c                    <----- filename
 * This program prints out a 
 * useful message.            <---- Description
 * Author: Peter Cooper, pcooper@cooper.edu <--- Name and email address of primary author
 *         Sarah Hewitt, shewitt@cooper.edu <--- Additional contributors
 * Revision history:
 * Date      Version Initials Description of change
 * 12-JAN-95 V2      SH       Corrected spelling
 *  1-JAN-95 V1      PC       Initial version
 * BUGS:
 *      main() Returns random value to invocation environment
 * TODO:
 *      Make multi-lingual version
 *      Add sound
 *      Make multimedia version

o Input File Listing

        If the program requires input, at least one file of sample input shall be attached.


o Output File Listing

        The output for the sample run described in the writeup and that uses the sample input file shall be attached.

        If multiple input and output files are required, they shall be in the order of 
o Electronic Submission for Programs

You should email the following to cs102.lent@cooper.edu But first, Check you can email the assignment to yourself. Check that the attachments are what you intended. Look and do a "sanity check" and see if the data and the results make sense. Ask yourself questions like "Is the writeup for the proper assignment?". Few things annoy an instructor or a boss more than, "Please ignore that last email/program/whatever, use this one instead".

  1. The message should have a Subject which corresponds to the assigment number and description. For example:

    Subject: CS102 ASGN#11 Mayan Calendar

  2. A Message body describing what this message is, what is attached, and perhaps a nice "How are you doing?" salutation :-)
  3. A series of attachments containing your work
    1. The Writeup for the program
    2. The Source Code program (even if you have included a source listing in the writeup)
    3. The Input file or files
    4. The Corresponding Output file or files

    Multiple assignments should not be combined into a single email message.

    Multiple parts of a single assignment should not be broken into multiple email messages.

o Writeup for Writing assignments
        These assignments consist of English text,
        written according to the usual standard for college
        level compositions.

        Since the assignments will be graded in a blind
        system, you are instructed to put your name
        *ONLY* on the cover page of your assignment.


        For assignments which are executive summaries of
        magazine or other technical articles, the binding order
        is as follows:

        o Cover Page (with Name and Assignment number)

        o 1st executive summary (one page maximum)
        o Magazine Cover (original or photocopy)
        o Pages which contain 3rd article (original or photocopy)

        o 2nd executive summary (one page maximum)
        o Magazine Cover (original or photocopy) 
                Only if 2nd article is from a different magazine than
                the 1st summary.
        o Pages which contain 2nd article (original or photocopy)
        o 3rd executive summary (one page maximum)
        o Magazine Cover (original or photocopy) 
                Only if 3rd article is from a different magazine than
                the 1st or 2nd summaries.
        o Pages which contain 3rd article (original or photocopy)


Policy Guidelines

Due Date and Time:
All submitted assignments are to be submitted
at the beginning of the class when the assignment is 
due.  Only the professor may make changes to this policy.

Scheduled absences:
The student must prearrange scheduled absences with the
professor.  Failure to do so will result in severe penalties.
The student must prepare a typed note which details
the date that the student will not be in class.
The student is responsible for all assignments, quizzes
and tests given during the period of absence.

Missed quizzes or tests:
The professor may waive or provide a substitute quiz for any
missed quiz.  A missed test must be followed by a meeting
with the professor outside of class hours.
The student is expected to meet the professor
or proctor at a scheduled time, outside of class hours,
to take the substitute quiz or test.  The student
shall assume that any substitute quiz or test will be of greater
difficulty than the missed quiz or test.

Late assignments:
The professor may, if notified in a timely fashion,
allow students to submit an assignment after the official
due date.  

If the professor grants permission, the student must:

1. Submit a note on the official due date.
This note will contain:
        Today's date:
        Student Name:
        Student Identification Number:
        Course Title:
        Assignment Name and Number:
        Date assignment will be submitted:
        Reason for late submission:
        Dates of Any futures scheduled absences:

2. Submit the assignment on the late submission date:
If the student misses the revised deadline, the
material submitted will not be reviewed or considered
for course credit.

Late Submissions

Important: No assignment is more important than our class meetings or a scheduled help session. We would rather have you bringing what you have (even if it is nothing), than miss a personal contact where the magic of learning occurs.

Please note: Sometimes late assignments are misplaced or incorrectly filed. As the assignment is late, the professor may request the assignment be turned in again, so please retain copies of your work to be printed out if requested. Thanks for your patience and understanding .
Late material may only be submitted :
A. To the professor personally (at the beginning or end of a class session is strongly suggested).
B. To the Computer Center's mailbox in the Engineering Dean's Office, room 204E_CS, on the second floor.
Please tell the secretary, that you have a submission for the professor and 
ask if you may put the assignment in the Computer Center mailbox.